Kenai LIO

About Our Office:

The Kenai Legislative Information Office is one of 22 LIOs statewide sharing a mission to provide Alaskans with the objective information they need to make informed choices about public policy decisions confronting the Alaska State Legislature and to facilitate open lines of communication between Alaskans and their legislators. The Kenai LIO helps you participate in public hearings during the legislative committee process, provides copies of current and past legislation, contact information for your elected officials and offers a variety of non-legislative services, including assistance with PFD applications. Call or stop by, we are here to help.


Contact Information:

145 Main St, LP #217
Kenai, AK 99611

855-583-2030/toll free

Mary Bea Byrne - Information Officer

Office Hours:

Session: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm Interim: Mon - Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm